New Zealand

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Join Broker Network Today!

Sell More Businesses at Low Cost with a Business Broker Account

Why Join Broker Network?
Leading platform that helps entrepreneurs to buy and sell the business, advertise their franchise, find the investor.
Rank top in most search engines, e.g., Google, Yahoo, Bing etc
Match the business with millions of buyers
Reach thousands of buyers view the website daily
Receive buyer enquiry on real time
Easy to use. Manage your listing anywhere, anytime
Promote your own profile to find the potential clients
100,000+ Facebook fans
Social media marketing through Twitter and LinkedIn etc
30,000+ businesses sealed
10,000+ businesses successfully sold
Promote the business to our 200,000+ subscribed buyers.
Why use a Broker Account?

When business owners wants to sell business, business brokers can help them value the business to get the best price.

Brokers understand the buyer's need, they can provide professional advice to attract more buyers.

Each Broker has their own of qualified buyer database, they can quickly do the matching with their contact first to close the deal in a short time.

If you want to sell the business fast and easy at a good price, find a professional reliable broker now.

  • Premium Account
    NZD 89/month
    Up to 100 Businesses
  • Advance Account


    NZD 69/month
    Up to 50 Businesses
  • Standard Account
    NZD 49/month
    Up to 20 Businesses
  • Basic Account
    NZD 39/month
    Up to 10 Businesses

Your listing will appear on our partner website with double exposure

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